What is this exercise?
This is a more dynamic exercise to activate and strengthen the quadriceps and targets the vastus medialis oblique ( VMO, lower inside quadricep) on one leg.
See link to wall squat
To start the exercise, stand with your feet shoulder width apart with your back and shoulders against the wall.Keep your feet pointing straight ahead.
To perform wall squat, stand with your back against the wall with your feet out about the length of your thigh and shoulder width apart. Place the foot of the non-targeted leg forward about half a foot length further from the wall. Ensure your feet are pointing straight ahead, slide down the wall and keep your shoulders and back flat against the wall.
While performing the exercise, you should feel the targeted leg burn more on the inside lower part of your quadriceps (VMO).
You can then repeat the exercise for the other leg by switching foot positions.
Make sure you weight is back and on the inside of the heel.
Goal is to work VMO as much as possible for good effective return on your efforts.
Repetition goal: Goal 60-90 seconds hold.
I feel the outside of my thigh burning > shift the weight back and onto the inside of your heel but keep your knees pointing forward not inwards.
I feel pain in my knees > slide down until you feel knee pain then slide back up slightly until you don’t feel pain in the knee and only feel burn in the inside thigh. Hold this position. As you get stronger you will find you can go lower.
What muscle groups does this exercise use?
Primary Activation/BURN
- Quadriceps
- Vastus Medialis (the goal)
Secondary Activation
- Rectus Femoris
- Vastus Lateralis/Intermedius
- Strengthening Quadriceps (targeting VMO)
- Works entire body (considered compound movement)
- Increase muscle mass
- Burns calories
- Increases endurance